Saturday, February 1, 2020

University Assignment: IT Asset Management System

Assignment completed as apart of my Master Studies in University College Cork. 

Course: CKL18 Information Systems for Business Performance

This is a hypothetical company.

Grade Received: First Class Honours. 

Section 1 of 5
The Problem Statement Matrix for Three-Body –Fig1

Student Number: 114547173

Project:             Project X
Project Manager:            Peter Charles     
Created by:       Diarmuid Gillingham
Last Updated by:           Diarmuid Gillingham           
Date Created:     November 1st 2019
Date Last Updated: December 2nd 2019                

1.2 Sample Request for Services Form for Three-Body for Clients
First Name

Last Name


Company and Department

Home Phone

Cell Phone


When Did We Last Visit you:
Within the last month
Within the last three months
Within the last year
Over one year ago

Problem Category

When Can We Visit You______________________________________________________
1.3 Internal System Service Request

1.4 Section 1 Analysis

Which problems do you believe have the highest visibility, and how should they be ranked?

The problems facing Three-Body have proven to be very disruptive to business. The old phrase that “time means money” runs through. If the company is losing time, they are losing money. In the conversation with the president Peter Charles makes it clear that when a consultant has to return to the office for information, this is costing Three-Body $75 due to time they lose and the money they would have made on the call. The second major problem is that Kathy spends much time talking to disgruntled customers. This task gives her less time to work on her other tasks within the company.

The problems should be ranked in terms of how much money they cost the firm. This idea is the primary purpose of the business and should always be a key barometer.

What would be the annual benefits of the new system?

The annual benefits of the new system should be numerous. The new system will improve how much clients trust Three-Body as the business will be able to fix problems more quickly and efficiently.

The confusion caused by the current inefficient and sophisticated way of conveying information between consultants should be reduced, leading to a happier workforce. On top of this, Kathy will have more time for other tasks to help the business grow and expand.

What assumptions is the matrix making?

The matrix makes the following helpful assumptions to help the business identify the problem task and breaks it down to down to four types of questions. These questions include “what”, “who”, “why” and “where”. By doing this, the problem can be challenged from several different perspectives, in a similar way that the De Bono six colour hats. (De Bono Group 2019)

In terms of the what questions above in Fig 1, the matrix assumes that the number of customers Three-Body has will continue to increase which increases its need for an improved system that will be able to be used out of office by the consultants and clients alike. It also assumed the increased need for Three-Body employees to be able to track equipment configurations. The matrix assumes that clients and Three-Body will want to keep their information secure and safe from potential hackers.

In terms of the “who” questions above in Fig 1, the matrix assumes that losses of $75 on call-out visits to clients will continue to happen unless an effective system such as the one suggested in this piece is put in place. The matrix assumes that the time Kathy spends answering service request calls should be reduced as Three-Body’s consultants should have fewer reasons to fix issues for client’s due to the introduction of the suggested system. 

Finally, what would be your proposed solution based on the facts you know now?
The solution would be a company- database system that employees and clients can access. The system would track system configuration details as well as hardware plus software. Information such as this would be assigned to the respective client. Some other information stored would include usernames, passwords and IP addresses.

The system needs to stop the lack of communication between employees and the technicians in particular. They need all the available information about a client when they are with that client. They need real time, accessible information.

A lot more research will need to be done before the system can be developed and eventually go live. This research will be done by asking employees what features they want included in the system.

Section 2

Deliverables include
v Problems, Opportunities, Objectives and Constraints Matrix
v List of Requirements for Proposed System
v Zero Level Data Flow Diagram for Entire System

2.1 PIECES Framework
PIECES Framework to identify criteria for the “Problems, Opportunities, Objectives and Constraints Matrix”

Business Analyst Learnings (2019)  broke down the PIECES Framework as follows.
P: “The need to improve performance”
I: “The need to improve information (and data)”
E: “The need to improve economics, control costs or increase profits”
C: “The need to improve control or security”
E: “The need to improve efficiency of people and processes”
S: “The need to improve service to customers, suppliers, colleagues, partners, etc”

A - Impacted by how much technicians know before visiting a client. They need a lot less time if their information is up to date.
B – Business can easily waste an hour going back to the office during tourist season

v Output - There is a lack of information within the company for consultants. They often don't have access to the same relevant information that they need when with clients.
v Output - The technicians and the clients lack the information of what exactly was done, the last time a Three-Body consultant visited a firm.
v Output - Information such as product configurations, usernames and passwords are relevant to complete tasks.
v Output - Information is not in a useful manner as consultants have to look through paper records to find out what a consultant did last time.
v Output - Information may not be accurate unless every possible source of information is updated. Information on paper may also be inaccurate due to poor handwriting.
v Output - Due to having to stay in the office and a lack in information services, vital data is often not available to consultants and clients alike.
v Output - Information is not at hand in a timely manner.

v Input - Inefficient collection of data. On paper, it is easy to forget to fill in information everywhere.
v Input - Data can be challenging to capture as there is no way currently to update a system while on a job.
v Input - Data is not updated on time for everyone to see meaning technicians are accepting to do a job not realising that another technician has started working on it.

v Stored Data - Information is stored on paper in disorganised folders and not online or in an accessible database.
v Stored Data - Information is not accurate, as it is not uploaded everywhere at once
v Stored Data - Folders are organised poorly.
v Stored Data - Information is flexible in terms that it can be changed but not in terms of how quickly it can be done. Binders on clients can't leave the office and may get filled in late or not at all.
v Stored Data - Data not always available.

v A - Costs are known. Company loses out on $75 every time a technician can't fix a problem due to the poor transfer of information.
v B - Costs are traceable.
v C - Any unnecessary cost can be seen as too high for the company.

v A1 - Information is not edited simultaneously.
v A2 - Putting the system online could give hackers an opportunity to access vital information.
v A3 - The system would need to make sure that only technicians can mark a service request is done. But both technicians and clients could create a service request.
v A5 - Data would need to be stored on an internal server and connect to a master database. Technicians would have a web application that connected to the database.
v A7 - Decision errors are happening due to a lack of information between technicians. A system which enabled technicians to take the next available task on a list. This prevents one technician from showing up for a task that another technician is already doing.
v B - no current issues with the current system having too much control. It is a lack of control that is causing the confusion.

v A1 - Information may be redundantly repeated as ring binders can look like "chicken scratches" and it can be hard to tell that is already written down and what is not.
v A2 - Too long is spent looking for crucial information when with clients of in the office.
v A3 - there is a lack of information getting collected.
v B - people waste time and money, not communicating. For an IT company computers are not fulfilling a lot of services that they could, and this is wasteful.
v C - Excessive effort is needed to drive to places, checking-in with Kathy, and with the locating of information such as passwords and configuration details for devices.
v D - Excessive use of paper in a digital workplace and year in general.

v A - the system provides incorrect information around tasks to be done, who is doing said tasks, password and configuration settings.
v B - Current system is inconsistent as sometimes information is filled in and sometimes it is now, and it is hard to tell if it has been filled in.
v C - inconsistent info leads to inaccurate information.
v D - Neither the old or new system should be hard to learn.
v E - New system should be easier to use as information should be updated. automatically, leading to more shared knowledge which leads to better decision making.
v F - New system should be easy to use in the office or on the move or with a client.
v G - Current system is inflexible as paper binders can't be taken outside of the office. No such issue with the new proposed system.
v  The paper system is not compatible with other systems as it has no defined connection/logical path to the different practices within the process under question.
v Section 2.2 Problems, Opportunities, Objectives and Constraints Matrix.
Student Number: 114547173

2.3 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of The System.

Functional Requirements
v 1. Upload Information Remotely
v 2. Provide Up to Date information for Employees and Clients
v 3. Be a Web-Based System
v 4. Gather/Collect/ information
v 5. Store Information
v 6. Distribute Information
v 7. Ability to edit Data
v 8. Identify User of System
v 9. Process Barcode Information
v 10. Display Information
v 11. Interactive Service for Users
v 12. Work on PC and Mobile devices
v 12. Offer Back-Up Service
v 13. Historical Data
v 14. Authentication
v 15. Administrative Functions
v 16. Encrypted Data

Non-Functional Requirements

v 1. Performance - Works on Wifi/4G enabled device. No document/ information update should take more than one minute to upload.

v 2. Data Integrity - System should store the latest and past versions of data in the system.

v 3. Availability - System should be available for use on secure Wi-Fi networks. Available with 4G connections on mobile devices.

v 4. Capacity - When information is put into the system, the system should be to gather this information and file it in a way that is easy to find when the system is used.  

v 5. Reliability and Capacity - Data integrity must be maintained. Information should be stored on the system for up to 5 years after been used. Users should get warning that data will be deleted within 4 weeks of warning.

v 6. Usability - Information should be easy and quick to distribute when using the system. System should offer ability to export files as PDF files.

v 7. Interactive - System should be an interactive system for those with permission and not static. So that client files can be updated easily and quickly. 
v 8. Security - Users need to be correctly identified to provide them access to only information that they need.

v 9. Performance - When a barcode is scanned, the information should go straight into the database and be assigned to the correct client and product type.

v 10. Searchability - Users of the system should be able to use key search terms to quickly find the information they are looking for within the system.

v 11. Adaptability -  Users should be able to filter information using primary and foreign keys such as Project_ID, Date, Customer_ID, Company_ID, Location and more.

v 12. Adaptability - Works with windows and ISO for clients who use both types of devices.

v 13. Recoverability - Undo button within system if information is accidentally deleted. Previous records of file and edits made should be easy to find

v 14. Security - Only technicians should be able to mark a case as completed. All users need to have an approved account to access relevant information on the system.

v 15. Maintainability - Information within the database should be able to be altered for administrative purposes by people with the correct permissions.

v 16. Security - Data should be encrypted and opened with a password to prevent data breeches.

2.4 TBAMS System Data Flow Chart

Section 3

3.1 Use-Case Diagram Glossary
Use -Case Name

Participating Actors
Send Service Request
Technician sends service request back to system after working with a client
Scan Barcode
Technician will scan a bar code when a piece of equipment is reconfigured to tell the system the equipment's location and new settings.

Visit Clients
Go to the workplace to clients who request it.
Fill in Service Form
If requested to do so my client.
Input Data into System
Forms, visit information, contact information etc
Select Next Task
Selecting the next available task according to the system to do list.
Create Service Request
Create service request for new users.
Enter Work Records

Enter Work History

System will need to be updated with past information on clients to give the database its value. Then continue to be updated.

Edit Service Request Forms/Files
Updating forms to provide system with up to date information

View List of Service Request
See list of available tasks from clients to do.
Mark Request as Resolved
Click “resolved” button in system
View Component Information
View components installed on system. New hardware can also be added to a client’s file.
Enter Configuration Equipment
Client hardware and software equipment
Update Standard Component Changes
Configuration changes made to drives, PCs, routers, printers and servers.
All Staff Members
Contact Technician
Ping him/her within system.
Upload Information to System
Upload service request and other important documents to system.

Update system
Update system when client/technician requests information.

Sign Up New Clients
Sign up new clients to the system
Sign up New Employees
Sign up new employees to the system

Check in inventory
Used with barcode technology
View Request

View status update of all requests to the system.


View History

See information on past visits from Three-Body, correspondence from employees.

Send Service Request
Send to tell Three-Body to request the visit of a technician.

Service Request
Make a request for Three-Body assistance

Mark Request
Do not respond to request email within 72 hours
Filter Data
Filter data by permissions, date, company task, equipment type.
Search Data
Search system for user's requested information.

Display Data
Display requested data of user on screen across IOS/android and laptop/tablet/phone.
Store Data
Store request form information, client data and login details if instructed to do so.

Send Meeting Confirmation
Send email/notification to involved users one hour before start time.

Filter Tasks

Filter tasks into "to do", "active" and "completed"

Track Hardware Components
Includes software and hardware installed and configuration information

Give Information on Holidays
Tell employees about upcoming national holidays

Present Weather Updates
Give employees updates on weather by connecting it to the national system.

Analyse Study Information
Analyse system
View List of Service Request
See list of available tasks from clients to do.
See all Unresolved Tasks
See tasks on system that have been open over 72 hours.

3.2 Use Case Diagram for TBMAS System


High Level

Section 4:

4.1 Entity/Definition Matrix
An individual who receives a wage from the firm for work done. Employee_ID, First_Name, Second_Name, Address, DOB, Phone_Number.
A customer who has a contract for work with the firm. – Client_ID, Name, Address, Contract_Type.
Service Request
A request placed on the system by a user to investigate a faulty software component. Request_ID, Request_Type
Hardware the company is yet to use and is currently stored. Inventory_ID, Inventory_Location
Job that needs to be completed due to the presence of a service request. Task_ID, Task_Description
Software Component
Any piece of hardware that can be installed on a system. Hardware_ID, Component_Type
Information on a client’s system that the business needs to provide said services such as IP addresses, usernames, and passwords.
Work Record
History of the tasks completed by a particular employee.
Hardware Component
Make of the Hardware. Hardware_ID &HardwareType (CPU, Keyboard, Monitor, Hard drive)
Between client and Three-Body

4.2 ERD Diagram

4.3 Activity Diagram Describing how a Service Request in Resolved

Activity Diagram Assumptions:
v I understand that the diagram should do 100% vertically or horizontally. The activity diagram above is presented this way to make it easier to view on the word/pdf document. 
v There will be a separate login page for clients and employees into the system. Done by selecting the “Customer Login” or “Employee Login” button.
v When an actor logs into the system, their login credentials will only work in either the “Employee Login” or “Customer Login” login page.
v When an employee login, the system will automatically know who they are and provide them with the correct levels of clearance for the system.
v Both clients and employees will get three attempts to log in. If they put the wrong password three times, they will be locked out of the system and will team to contact the IT Team to get a new password.
v The allocated time will be 30 minutes before it is escalated.
v Users can try to log in three times. If unsuccessful three times, they will be locked out of the system.

4.4 UML Class Diagram

4.5 Candidate System Matrix

Candidate 1
Candidate 2
Candidate 3
Candidate 4
Portion of System Computerised

Brief description of that portion of the system that would be computerized.
Whole System
Whole System
Whole System
Whole System

Benefits each client would receive due to the implantation of the system.
Manager can see ongoing completed and tasks that need to be done. - Manager
Less confusion on the field while with clients for the Technician
Should be able to serve clients better due to improved real time information. Will have easy access to inventory stock levels, and it will be easier to sign up new clients/employees. -Receptionist
Easier to make a service request - Client

Ability to track service request - - Client

Servers and Workstations

Description of the servers and workstations needed for the system to work
Access to the system via PC. - Manager
Mobile phone/ipad with access to app server. - Technician

Reliable bar-code scanner - Technician

Access to the system via PC.- Technician

Reliable bar-code scanner - -Receptionist

Mobile phone/ipad with access to app server. - -Receptionist

Mobile phone/ipad with access to app server. - Client

Access to the system via PC. - Client
Software Tools Needed

Software needed to build the candidate, eg operating system speed and capacity.
Microsoft Access
Database Management System, Tracking System  and Operating System.

Application Software
Software that will need to be bought or created for the system to work
Application to allow barcode scanning, tracking of information and submission of service request.
Application to allow barcode scanning, tracking of information and submission of service request.
Application to allow barcode scanning, tracking of information and submission of service request.
Application to allow barcode scanning, tracking of information and submission of service request.
Storage Devices and Implementation

Describe how data will be stored, what data would need to be accessed and what storage capacity is needed.
Stored on a public cloud
Service request history

Client information

Employee information
The system will use a mirroring system to protect the data.
Input Devices and Implementation

Imput devices needed for the system to work
Keyboard, computer, mobile phone, mouse, monitor, barcode scanner

Method Of Data Processing

Description how each candidate will process data.
Remote, on mobile devices and in real time
Remote, on mobile devices and in real time
Remote, on mobile devices and in real time
Remote, on mobile devices and in real time

Section 5

5.1        Two Personas

Jeff, The hard working, technician of Three-Body

Jeff’s Story:

Jeff is a technician working for Three-Body in Cork Ireland. Originating from Galway, Jeff has lived in Cork for the last nine years. Jeff enjoys his role. He especially enjoys working with clients and meeting new people. But as the company and its records grow, Jeff is becoming increasingly frustrated by the paper system at the company which causes lots of confusion with clients.

Real Quote:

Psychographic Attributes

      Gets on with everyone.
      Occasional Facebook user.
      High level of digital fluency
      Content preferences and consumption habits
      Loves working with smaller clients
      Does not enjoy city jobs due to parking issues.
      Senior Technician
      Average Energy levels
      Someone who shares
      Cultural preferences (Rock music, Marvel movies, fantasy books etc.)
      Activity preferences include hiking, walking, eating out and reading)

Demographic Identifiers

      Computer Science
      Drives a Mazda

Goals & Motivations

      Performance measures that have to be hit
      Professional reputation objectives
      Brand reputation objectives
      Product objectives
      Efficiency and process needs
      Not to feel as stressed at work.
      Get a better work/life balance. Get to go home at 5.

 I love what I do. It is a fantastic feeling when I successful help a client. I just wish I could spend more time doing that and less time flicking through paper records for information.”

Their Roadblocks & Challenges

      Company does not cover petrol money for extra trips
      Sore back from sitting in the car so much.
      Works in such a niche industry and worries skills are not transferable
      Grown tired of all the paperwork.
      Thinks the boss is too much of a perfectionist.
      Role is becoming monotonous.
      Dealing with frustrated clients.
      Tired of trying to explain himself and to clients about why information keeps getting lost.

Desired Changes

      More organisation so he has to drive less. 
      Time during work hours to see his chiropractor.
      Less paperwork
      Better perceived quality of his work.
      Less reason for constant dialog with boss.
      An online system that is quick and easy to use.
      A system he can use outside of the office.
      A system that is clear and easy to understand.
      A system that allows for variance in client requirements.

Kathy, The detail orientated receptionist/bookeeper Three_Body

Kathy’s Story:

Kathy has been the receptionist of Three-body for the last four years. In that time her main role has been managing the service requests that come into the company from clients. She also keeps the technicians and manager Peter up to date with any developments. She is doing well with the role but finds the repeated calls from clients about service requests stressful.

Real Quote:

“My role is to make the working lives of everyone else easier by providing them with up to date and accurate information. I make sure that my boss Peter knows what is going on with the technicians. I also help organise the service requests from clients in a way that is most efficient for the technicians to increase the number of clients they can visit”


Psychographic Attributes

      No social media.
      Sufficient for the role but not an IT expert.
      Receptionist and HR
      Prefers more personal and smaller clients.
      Fast thinking
      Loves Newstalk radio business show.
      Focused and detail orientated.
      Has a degree in Business Administration.
      High energy
      Very extroverted
      Someone who shares
      Cultural preferences (Country music, horror movies, true crime books etc.)
      Activity preferences (rugby, walking, and reading)

Demographic Identifiers

      Business Admin Level 7. Hr Level 7
      Business Administration and HR
      Ford Fiesta

Goals & Motivations

      Feels she could have a more challenging role.
      Feels she does her role to a great standard.
      Wants more of a say in new hires
      Would like less time on the phone with clients and more time to get to know her co-workers.
      Wants a quicker way of organising inventory. Tired of hour long searches for items.

Their Roadblocks & Challenges

      Having to stay late due to paperwork
      Angry clients on the phone with her.
      Lack of interaction with other employees

Goals and Motivations

      Wants to have more of a say and feel more valued by the firm.
      Wants less time on the phone so she can impact internal meetings.
      Keen for career progression and to have more responsibility.
      Wishes inventory management was more straightforward.

5.2 Scenarios for each Persona

Jeff the technician of Three-Body
Paul a project manager at Ruby solutions.
Scene: Jeff has just arrived at the HQ of Dublin based company Ruby Solutions, greeted my Paul the PM. Ruby Solutions has been a customer of Three-Body solutions for 6 months. This is the 3rd time Jeff has visited the company in the last 2 months due to faulty configuration settings in the Ruby Solution’s software. The last two times Jeff has visited he has been unable to fix the software as he had no record on the previous settings. He suggested rebooting the system but Ruby Solutions rejected this solution as it would cause a loss in important data. Unawares to the client, Jeff now has the new TMBAS system at his fingertips and if confident he has the solution at hand.

Jeff: Hi Paul, how are things?
Paul: I am very stressed Jeff. We are very behind on a few projects. My manager has been on my case a lot. Let’s go into the meeting room on your left.

Paul and Jeff enter meeting room
Paul: I need to be blunt with you. My manager has said that we need to end our contract with you. This has gone on long enough. I’m sorry, but you’re not doing what we have payed you to do. I am thankful that you have not charged us for the last two visits, but we are losing money due to your inability to solve the problem.
Jeff: I understand your concern. I….
Paul: I don’t think you do. It is my head on the line if I don’t turn this around.
Jeff: Listen!
Paul: Go on!
Jeff: Over the few months our business analyst and tech team have been working on a new system. The system allows us to keep better records of everything we need to help our clients.
Paul: Are you saying you can fix it? How?
Jeff: Let me explain.  Our problem these last few months has been a struggle to update, maintain and organise our records in an efficient manner. This new digital system allows me to see all of yours and any other client’s previous records. For example, configuration details. This makes it simple to use.
Paul: That does sound useful. What else does it do?
Jeff: It allows me to track service request. Oh, I almost forgot! So, can you. Each client will get an account. On this account, you will be able to make a request instead of waiting for Kathy to answer our busy phone line.
Paul: Great. I have my laptop. Show me how it works.

Paul spends the next 10 minutes with Jeff as they set up the account.
Jeff: Now, you’re all set up.
Paul: chuckles. Now let’s fix that blooming software.

Jeff gets the system back online using the details he can read on his iPad.
Jeff: That’s it. You’re all set up and I have imputed the information about all the changes into the system. You should be able to see that on your profile too. 
Paul: Great! Everything seems to be back to normal. Thanks for that. I will check the system out again later.
Paul: No problem. See you.
Jeff: Bye.

Second Scenario
Kathy the Three-Body Receptionist
Wayne the owner of The MagicBox Company.

Scene: Kathy answers a phone call to a very angry Wayne who has been trying all morning to make a service request.

Kathy: Hello, Three-Body Solutions how can I help?
Wayne: Finally! I have trying to ring all morning. I have not been able to get on. We need to buy some new monitors.
Kathy: Sorry about that. It has been a hectic morning.
Wayne: You’re telling me!
Kathy: Sorry again, as of this morning we have set up a new system. The system would allow you to make a request online and not have to wait in line on the phone.
Wayne: I wish I knew that. How can I do that?
Kathy: In about 30 minutes I will be sending each of our clients a unique link to set up their account for our system. Can you wait that long or would you like me to do your request on the phone?
Wayne: I will do it online. I have spent too much time on the phone already.
Kathy: No problem. Do you need anything else?
Wayne: No, that’s it. Thanks, bye.
Kathy: Bye


De Bono Group (2019) Six Thinking Hats

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